Thursday 9 February 2012

A Day Dedicated To Music ;)

Ever wake up to a perfectly beautiful day and decide to make it worth great memories? Been there, done that!

This weekend, the weather was just perfect, and somehow, I was in a brilliant mood (he he) . So I decided to dedicate that day to music. I switched on my laptop ( not for Facebook, surprisingly) and got to work. Since I cannot read sheet music, I went on to Youtube for help. I looked up so many tutorials, but ofcourse, none were too great. I finally stopped at Yiruma's River Flows In You. I just love that song. It totally soothes one's soul.
Then I tried playing this other song that's  in my synthesizer already ( Yamaha PSR E223 ) I guess it's called prelude which means the beginning. It's pretty awesome and not that difficult to learn. I haven't finished learning to play the whole song, but I'm halfway there.
After that, I sat with VH1 on for a long time. Good music was on, so it was totally worth it! Oh and guess what the best part of the day was? At night, I put on some awesome Dub step music and head banged for like an hour! That was the bestest part!!
This blog wasn't really good but I just wanted to share my day. It doesnt sound like much, but believe me, it was awesome! And remember, always write Dub step with a capital "D" cuz it deserves the respect! wub wub wub!!



  1. nice blog, good luck.
    follow back :

    1. Hey thanks a lot for checking out my blog! I almost gave up cuz it was just becoming boring. Thanks to you, i'll start again :) Am checking out your blog now :)
