Friday 30 December 2011

Oh Thailand!!

Hey!!! It's really been a long time since I've blogged. Heck, I just started this :P So anyways, getting to the main topic. Thailand. It was the second time that I visited. That's the reason I didn't really want to go. Why repeat a place? The world's big, go explore! But my family had already made plans, so I had to play along. :/ So anyways, last week, my dad, mum, bro, aunt, uncle and cousin brother left for Thailand. We reached Bangkok first. Then we went to Chiang Mai for some day (damn that city is beautiful). Chaing Mai really had the Christmas feeling, and I enjoyed that to the fullest. I mean having Starbucks Coffee outdoors, with a view of mountains at the background and a busy night market right in front = Awesomeness. haha. Anyways, from there, we went to Phuket. We were in the Patong district. It was nice. We went to Phi Phi Island for a day and I went Snorkeling ( like a boss bitch B|) . The next day I spent burning myself in the beach. I still have the horrible tan any my skin's all bad :/  well, anyways, we also met up with some of our Thai buddies from school (and had free food. hell yeah!) . Then we went back to Bangkok. And believe me, all the 4 days in Bangkok was for Shopping.And now that I'm unpacking my bags, I barely find anything for myself! That really sucks, don't it? Anyways, Thailand this time wasn't oh-so-great. And that's a little disappointing to me. And yes, I found the people a little too mean (no offence). I mean, c'mon man, can't you just say things nicely and calmly? No need to start a fight all the time! LOL anyways, Thailand was alright this time round. Have any of you been there? Plans on going there? Or maybe some suggestions of where I should go next?

Monday 28 November 2011

FML Exams kill me :(

OHEMJAY! Exams are just so pathetic! My 8th grade half yearly's started on Friday 25th Nov,'11. My first paper was English Language so nobody had a sweat for it and we basically aced it. We had the weekend ahead. Today I had my ICT, and in my school, 8th grade ICT exams are kid stuff. So once again, no heat. BUT tomorrow, we have chemistry, and I'm SOHO screwed!!! I mean i'm good at chemistry and all, but I seem to be blocking out on everything I know. The formula's are just somewhere in the air, totally out of my reach. Oh gawd, someone help me! And I just realized that we also have moles. Dammit! It's 8:10 P.M, my exams are tomorrow, and apparently, my cousins are coming over now. FML. i was doing some practice sums (for the first time) and I was sort of okey in them. The ones I got wrong were basically because of some stupid math mistakes ( Let me tell you Maths is sooo not my strong point! I'm basically flunking math! ) I think there are a few more sums in the text book, but i'm way too lazy to look for them. For some reason, the fact that the exams are here, just hasn't sunken into me yet. It's just that I feel frustrated with the idea of exams. I dont appreciate sitting in the examination hall. The exam papers makes me pissed. Even though i had prepared, or know the answers these feelings always come up. I dunno what I'm gonna do tomorrow in chem exams. Literally. I dont know if I have prepared enough, I dunno if I know the answers to the questions, hell i wasn't even sure of our syllabus until last night!! WTF is happening. Everything feels weird and akward all of a sudden. Since I started writing this blog. Hmm.. What do I do now? I feel so blank. I guess I should take up tutions. After the half yearly's. Yes, I should definitely take up tutions. That's like the only possible thing that can help me ace. Not only in chem, but in all the subjects.

OEMJAY! I'm such a sore loser. Look at me- all depressed because the exam is tomorrow, blogging about how I might fail, and not studying. seriously what's taken over me? oh gawd. Bless my soul. I'll probably blog later....

Sunday 27 November 2011

Go Rabbits!!

A few weeks back, I bought a pair of rabbit earrings and they're soooo adorable!! The other day when i wore it to school, a friend of mine and I got really hyper. We started cheering for rabbits and the whole day we went like "GooooooRabbiiitsss!!" Yes, people thought we were freaks. But it was soo worth it :) So since then, rabbits are the shiz. I remember having a pet rabbit when I was kid, but we soon had to give it away. Last night, I went all bonkers for rabbits. I totally freaked out. After begging my parents for HOURS, I still can't have rabbits. FML. But I'm still obsessed with them.
Goooo Rabbiittsss!!!!

The first pic is of my earrings. the rest are just adorable. Blogging about rabbits- I feel like a 6 year old scout girl now. Sighhh!! -.-

Black's Back!

I guess Winter's code is Black again? I like it! What do you think?